iOS 8.1.3 Jailbreak Status Update

iOS 8.1.3 Pangu, TaiG and PP jailbreak exploits for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch has been patched by Apple with the release of this new firmware today. More details can be found right here past the jump.
If you’ve been jailbreaking for a while now, you already know the drill, which involves completely swerving any new build of iOS until they’re deemed safe by an established, knowledgeable member of the jailbreaking fold. But for the benefit of those less familiar jailbreakers, you must not update to iOS 8.1.3.

With the release of iOS 8.1.3, Apple has patched most of the exploits that are needed to make the Pangu8, TaiG and PP jailbreaks do their magic trick. In short, if you’ve been looking forward to jailbreak then it’s highly advised that you do not go ahead with the iOS 8.1.3 update at any cost.
Apple has outlined all the exploits that it has patched in iOS 8.1.3 in its support article, and even went on record to name the Pangu and TaiG teams for utilizing them. Apart from the aforementioned duo, Apple has also patched exploits discovered by i0n1c (aka Stefan Esser).

 to see the photos in big size, click on them.


If the above mentioned confirmation wasn’t enough already, MuscleNerd has also chimed in and has stated that users should stay clear of the update. His tweet reads as follows:

 As a side note, if you’ve been lurking on an older version of iOS 8 or even iOS 7, and have been meaning to make the jump to iOS 8.1.2, then you still can do since it’s currently being signed by Apple. This window of opportunity is likely to be narrow, so please be sure to snap up the build specific to your device and install as quickly as possible using iTunes. Lastly, if you’ve by chance updated to iOS 8.1.3 already then you can downgrade using iTunes, and like we mentioned a while back, the chances are narrow, so make good use of it.

Of course, if you don’t have any desire to jailbreak either now or in the future, then you can go ahead and grab iOS 8.1.3, but if you’re on the fence, we’d strongly recommend installing iOS 8.1.2 if you haven’t already and sitting tightly.

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